Anyone can practice yoga in Ballina and Lennox Head.
You don’t have to be young, fit or supple. You start from where you are at this moment. Each individual works within her/his own level of comfort listening to their own body’s messages.
Jennys’ Hatha Yoga class is completely non competitive. Each person is coming to Yoga for their own health and well being. There is pressure on us to be competitive in all sorts of areas, and it is a great relief and pleasure to find a style of exercise that is loving and nuturing, that connects us to a source of stability and peace within, that truly gives us “time out”, a break from the cares of the day, time to just be ourselves. We come away from our practice feeling energised, but calm and ready to deal situations on any level.
People are drawn to Yoga for various reasons, many first come as a way of improving their body’s flexibility and strength. Others come seeking help or relief for a specific complaint, like asthma or tension. Whatever your reason for starting Yoga, this ancient system of health care will give you what you came for…. and more.